Sunday, October 11, 2009

Staying true to the mission

I was reading my blurb on this page about why I'm writing and I wondered if I was being true to it, because I rarely ever talk about actual eating, the surgery and such except when I'm processing something. But you know, I spent all my life focusing on my weight. I thought about how it kept me from love, how I needed to find just the right diet, how I wasn't pretty enough, how I physically couldn't do certain things, how I was a failure and weak for not losing it, how I was a disappointment to my family cause they were waiting for me to marry and have kids. Heck I spent enough time on the weight, I want to talk about the issues that I lumped into the food I ate to deal with the freaking weight. I just didn't have the time, energy and where with all to deal with the true issues of life. So forgive me if I'm not talking about the actual weightloss enough. and are wonderful places for that. I'm tryng to get free over here and whatever I need to talk about is what I'll be pounding out on this laptop. Thanks for humoring me with comments and even smiley faces! I hope something either makes you laugh, clicks for you, or just makes you appreciate that you aren't as nutty as me. That's cool cause I'm getting mine so you might as well do the same.

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