Friday, June 5, 2009


The journey now begins in earnest, I have been approved for bariatric surgery. I walked around for about an hour feeling like my whole life was about to change and apparently it is. Changing jobs, and before that ending a relationship were not all done in vain! I kept think I am finally turning the corner. Then as if it were a sign, I got a test on Facebook that quizzed you on whether or not you were over your ex. See I did that break up and make up thing and he was so certain I would comeback again. Time was irrelevant to him. Long story, and not what this post is about. Anywho took the test and the test said, I'm sooo over him. This is a really good day for me. It gets better. The ex sees me online contacts me and wants to discuss why would I not comeback and did I not miss us, again long story and not what the post is about. Basically I laid out what I needed, which he was simply not capable of providing. Out of no where he acknowledged this, said he understood, and guessed that he was surprised by me deciding this and actually leaving the relationship. Fat Women of the world unite! If he is not giving you what you need and its clear he will never be in a place to do it, GET YOUR BIG BOOTY outta there. Cause like my ex he's counting on you settling for less than you deserve. I'm not saying guys evil or that he doesn't care about you in his own twisted way. I'm saying he's getting what he needs from the relationship (nurturing, love, support, housing, 3 meals a day, sex, a mother for his kids, the list goes on and on) what about you? Getting that insurance approval was very empowering, but I must admit, having a man say (and I'm paraphrasing), "yea, you deserve more but I thought you'd be too afraid to lose this pretend relationship to actually go look for a real one." Is it just me or are, I'm every woman, I am woman, and Independent Woman all playing at one time? Wow.
He knows you deserve more, your friends know you deserve more, what's it gonna take for you to realize that you deserve more, and I'm not just talking about your man. I'm talking about your friends who take advantage of you, your family that's always running to you but can't be counted on for a glass of water when you need it, your dead end job, your adult child who refuses to take ownership for her mess and so on. My mom always says, "the show will go on, one monkey don't stop the show. If a monkey dies, they toss him out the back, stick another monkey up there and no one ever knows the difference!" The drama's that some people call a life will continue with our without you. Don't kid yourself, they may hit a hard patch for a minute or you might miss them and their drama for a moment, but life will go on. They will find another sucker and keep living.
Take care of you and find people who will appreciate what you have to give. They will take what you offer and make something of it. I'm taking the laughter, the love, the strength, the commitment, joy, pleasure and everything else with me to find someone who can embrace it all with the proper "reverence" of the woman that I am. How about you?

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