Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Just finished a pre-procedure meeting at the hospital. I am going to be the lucky recipient of an endoscopy and a colonoscopy! Hurray! Its a necessary evil to be cleared for surgery. I have been told by a nurse that she is impressed with the hoops I've had to jump through for my surgeon to get approved. His name is Paul Enochs. He and his staff at Bariatric Surgery are wonderful. Everyone that they have referred me to has been gracious, kind and fat friendly. I cannot say that for everyone. For fear of a suit I will not call the name but I went to a gynecologist and I think she would have locked me in her basement until I was at a normal weight and just might have tried bleaching me white. OMG she was rude, cold and after all that, she gave me incomplete information!
So, today they were assessing how I would handle the anesthesia based on health issues. They have a whole panel of things they ask about your heart, your bones, your head, your mental health. The majority of the questions I was able to answer no to, and its apparent they were surprised that I did not have other health issues. I am thankful for that and pray that surgery will prevent or postpone other illness and issues.

1 comment:

  1. Girl, I have the best gynecologist. She is woman friendly, period. Her name is Dr. Anita Hudson Fraley. She knows what she's doing, and is all about empowerment.
