Monday, June 29, 2009

love and desire

So I find myself wondering which is better and do they ever come together. What you asked are you talking about? Love and/ or desire. I've been loved and I've been desired, but I can't recall them being together in equal amounts. Love takes care of you, listens and shares with you. Its who you call when your day has gone bad and you want to be nurtured, fed and held. Desire is what makes you feel wanted and alive. It will leave you feeling not too old, just as good as the next woman, maybe even better. You call desire when you just want to forget the day and get lost in the moment. Desire will listen for an appropriate amount of time and then its distracted by you neck, your lips, the beauty it finds in you. Love looks into your eye, rubs your necks, listens to the words coming from your lips and assures you of the beauty inside. Not sure who has more feeling or who's more likely to stick around, love and desire each have their issues.
So if you have to choose between the two which do you choose? How do you pick? How do you get it in the same jar? Can you get one and cultivate the other? I don't know. I just know being human, I miss one when I have the other. In the months to come I've been told I will have options I've never known. I think its probably a good idea for me to have some idea of what I will and will not accept. What I do and don't want. I want them both and every thing else I can get in a relationship! Hmm guess I'll have to prioritize them and go from there, or maybe I can convince both of them to go home with me....

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