Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Missing our blessings

My sister has had a good male friend from the time I can remember. He always reminded me of Richard Pryor in his mannerisms. He always had cool cars and dressed "fly" (hey my sister came of age in the 70's). I had a bit of a crush on him, and hoped he'd wait for me to get older. In the mean time he had a string of women. Attractive, accomplished women, but according to the stories he shared with my sister and she shared with me, each had issues. When I got older I began to hear fear in his words and actions. Being privy to the inside scoop I could have told each hopeful lady that there was nothing wrong with her, but he was afraid of settling down and what he might be tied down to. He never saw the other side of a committed partnership. He didn't foresee a time where he would not have the things he traded on then.
I had a bad day yesterday and had to stay home...I keep forgetting that recovery means just that. Anywho, I am at work today and my sister called to check on me. She advised me that she was with this childhood friend at his treatment. He has a serious illness. He called her because he was on the way to the treatment alone. One of the ladies he kept on a string all these years was going with him but then someone got sick in her family and she cancelled. My sister said his eyes lit up like a kid at Christmas when he saw her. I fought back tears and continued to talk cheerfully with my sister about him, her date she cancelled to be with him and other things. When I got off the phone I thought about the tears. I had instantly thought had sad it was that he had squandered so many opportunities to build a life with someone and have a partner by his side to go through life's challenges. I wondered would his friend have cancelled if he was her family. More so I thought of a conversation I had last night where I was told basically, be glad you're single, you could be in a relationship where you are miserable. I hear this over and over again from men mostly and I ask if this is the mentality that's out there, why should I risk putting the wall down. Most women, myself included (I think) look for a place to rest their heart. A safe spot where it can lie peacefully protected and loved by a man who wants to care for it and cherish it like the one that beats within his own chest. If I'm hearing the men of today, correctly its ok if you bring your heart along for the ride, but don't get comfortable cause that spots not available for permanent occupancy.
It reminds me of the old hymn "What a friend we have in Jesus", specifically the verse that says Oh what peace we often forfeit, oh what needless pain we bear, All because we do not carry everything to God in prayer." Studies show that people in marriages make more money, their blood pressures are lower, that in general they are happier people, men live longer in marriages, children perform better in a two parent home, and who knows what else. How many blessings do I and my sister's friend miss out on because of the fears we've let overrule our good judgement. I don't think its too late for either of us. I am afraid that my heart will end up in a precarious spot, but I'm taking the bricks down anyway. There are just too many blessings and special moments I don't want to miss out on. I've missed enough of them already.

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